Class Action Experts

The Notice Company provides customized class action notice programs and a full range of services for processing claims and managing settlements.

We deliver the notice before your morning paper hits the ground (or hits your inbox). From address searches to newspaper ads to online media to settlement fund distributions, The Notice Company will assist in the design and implementation of effective programs to administer your settlement.

Class payments can be sent via check, ACH/Direct Deposit, or as digital payments. We handle cy-près distributions, awards to class representatives and payments to class counsel. When needed, we issue 1099s and make the appropriate tax filings.

We also provide Internet consulting, web design and hosting services for class settlements. We are pleased to work with lawyers, accountants, and other businesses and organizations in providing first-quality service at reasonable rates.

Law firms and companies are invited to contact us about posting a legal notice or to inquire about our other services.